Monday, August 25, 2008

Happiest Man on the Block

I love this stuff... Here's a guy without hands and legs- still rockin' away on the keyboard with the biggest grin you'll ever see. I love that my friend Jenn found this in NY!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Homemade Caribbean Marimba

This is cheating a bit since it's not technically a "street musician video," but this was featured on YouTube this morning and I thought, I need to post the because 1) it's outdoors / nonprofessional music and 2) it's just awesome.

Thanks PlayHanghang!
And thanks YouTube for featuring such great, original music!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Harley Davidson meets the Violin

Not often that you see someone dressed like a biker, ready to play an amazing song on the violin. Yes, it's a drastic stereotype and I apologize...

catagg took the video and survived to share it with us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Is it Flutist, Floutest, or Flute Player?

Some lively flute playing on Exeter Street from YouTuber bazelya.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Marimba Duet at Pike's Place

Craig and Christian play the marimba in Seattle's Pike Place Market. Video caught by: outtacontrol66 on YouTube.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beautiful Harp Music from France

Beautiful harp playing in Montmartre. Isn't there where Amelie's from?

jennixuloveut picked this up in France.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Violin and Banjo Duet from the Ebony Hillbillies

These guys call themselves the Ebony Hillbillies. I really enjoy the banjo and violin together. Props to borisreitman for picking this up and posting it!

Monday, May 19, 2008

NYC's Bucket Drummer

This is my favorite video of Larry Wright and some random girl playing bucket drums in NYC. Make sure you listen all the way to the last 20 seconds for the amazing finish.

This video is from MGFX.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Trumpet and Piano Duet (by the same person)

It's hard to ignore this most famous guy from Japan. I mean, who has enough talent to play trumpet AND piano at the same time other than him? I'd like to see you try!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Most Amazing Accordian Yet

This is pretty impressive. A man in Milan who's almost not even a performer as much as simply an artist. He's lost in his music and so he's not really playing to the crowd- he's playing to himself.

zeloan500 picked up the greatness of this man's accordion in 3 separate videos. Watch them ALL!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Play Us a Song, You're the Piano Man!

In Paris, honky tonk still rules on this street. Thanks, deardad.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dueling Banjo and Guitar Performance

This kind of banjo and guitar dueling doesn't happen very often.

Pan Flute Guy, why are you such a playa?!

If this video was a little longer, I might follow this guy to the ends of the earth, just like that little trickster Pan for whom this flute is named.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Seattle Sax Player

I've actually SEEN this guy. He plays on First Avenue, downtown Seattle. I'll have to let him know that he's featured here on Street Music Videos! Thank you snamelcyhtomit for shooting and posting this.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A True One-Man Band

This Thia Street Entertainer can sing, play harmonica, guitar, and drums all at the same time. Multitasking? Or is there some secret stereo system behind him somewhere?

Great catch from andyondrums!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wine Anyone?

It's hard to believe that anyone is this talented on wine glasses- but search the internet and you'll find hundreds of these... this guy, however, takes requests. And that's something to marvel at.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Munich Man

This Munich man makes the very most of the one chord he knows on the cello.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Bagpipe Concert with Accordion and Guitar

This is a fantastic little video from Italy (specifically from Barga). It's beautiful combination of Iris & Italian Heritage... sort of like when my friend Kate worked at Bucca de Beppo.

Homemade Drumset in DC

Waveonline caught this excellent homemade drum performance in Washington, DC. Good to know something excellent is happening in our capitol!

Beatbox Flute and Cello

Listen carefully for the beatboxing.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hang Drum in Barcelona

Mike took a video of this talented young Hang Drum Musician in Barcelona and uploaded it to YouTube. The Hang Drum is sort of like a reverse steel drum, played with the fingers instead of with mallets. Check it out!

This Aussie Shreds the Didgeridoo!

In Oklahoma, an aussie shreds the Didgeridoo. It's hard to believe such beautiful sounds can be produced by a wooden tube. But this gentleman surprises us all and does a wonderful job creating texture and sound with a simple instrument.

This video was captured and posted on YouTube by Jerry.