Friday, June 6, 2008

Homemade Caribbean Marimba

This is cheating a bit since it's not technically a "street musician video," but this was featured on YouTube this morning and I thought, I need to post the because 1) it's outdoors / nonprofessional music and 2) it's just awesome.

Thanks PlayHanghang!
And thanks YouTube for featuring such great, original music!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Harley Davidson meets the Violin

Not often that you see someone dressed like a biker, ready to play an amazing song on the violin. Yes, it's a drastic stereotype and I apologize...

catagg took the video and survived to share it with us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Is it Flutist, Floutest, or Flute Player?

Some lively flute playing on Exeter Street from YouTuber bazelya.